Welcome to the Reepham & District Photographic Club [R&DPC]

Contact: photoclubofreepham@gmail.com


Next Meeting:

Thursday 1st August

C4 The theme is 'Self-Portrait' & Open This is a PRINT challenge.

[Dpi versions of the prints to Kevin by 8pm on Thursday 25th July]

Coming up..........

Thursday 15th August

Summer Evening Out to Norwich -  with possibilities for preparing for C5 Urban Landscape [KP]

Triptych Competition 2024

Congratulations go to Kevin with 'Contemplating Arson'
Images are: 'Could Do' 'Thinking About it' 'Perhaps Not'

Highly commended Triptychs were from Sharon with 'Story of a Daisy,' Richard Ban with 'Midnight walk around Salle Church,' and Richard C with 'Home delivery, Ambush and Escape.' Many congratulations and to everyone who took part.

All the Triptych entries can be viewed HERE

Challenges 2024

Start Now ...............

C1 Thursday 7th March. DPI

The theme is 'Street Photography'

[Entries to Kevin by 8pm on 29th February]

C2 Thursday 18th April. PRINT

The theme is 'A different view of Norfolk' [Guidance: the idea is NOT to enter the familiar landmarks like Cromer Pier, Happisburgh Lighthouse or Norwich Cathedral for example]

Dpi versions of the prints to Kevin by 8pm on 11th April]

C3 Thursday 4th July. DPI

The theme is 'Beach & Seashore'

[Entries to Kevin by 8pm on 27th June]

C4 Thursday 1st August. PRINT

The theme is 'Self-Portrait'

[Dpi versions of the prints to Kevin by 8pm on 25th July]

C5 Thursday 5th September. DPI

The theme is 'Urban Landscape'

[Entries to Kevin by 8pm on  29th August]

C6 Thursday 17th October. PRINT

The theme is 'Trees [or Tree]'

[Dpi versions of the prints to Kevin by 8pm on 10th October]

All challenges feature the OPEN section

Please Note:

Digital challenge entries are limited to TWO images for the theme and up to THREE images for the open category

Print challenge entries are limited to TWO images for the theme and up to THREE images for the open category

Annual Competition 2024 will have both DPI & PRINT sections. Images only used in challenges C1, C3, C5  can be entered into the DPI final and images from C2, C4, C6 can be entered into the PRINT final. The end of year competition will take place on November 21st. You may enter 2 entries into each section.

 Images produced for the triptych competition are not allowed.

Annual Competition 2023

Click here to view all the 2023 entries

Our judge voted as follows:

Congratulations go to Sharon with 'Mummy's Hat [1st - Below], Sharon with 'The Last Jump' [2nd] and Frank with 'Kelpi' [3rd]

Mummy's Hat by Sharon

The Triptych .............

The Triptych Competition

'Contemplating Arson' - Congratulations to Kevin for winning our 2nd Triptych competition in 2024

All the entries can be viewed here

What are YOU going to enter in 2025?

Triptych Final will be in June 2025

Rules for the Triptych Competition:


C3 'Beach & Seashore' and Open 2024. 

At the meeting held on the 4th July the entries to 'Beach & Seashore' and Open were judged as follows:

Beach & Seashore: Congratulations to Kamin with 'Blue View' [1st], Sheila with 'Beach Art' [2nd] and Debbie with 'Beach and Shore defences' [3rd]  

Open: Congratulations to Steve with 'Storm Tide' [1st], Kenny with 'Anatomy of a Badgers Skull' [2nd] and David with 'Corkscrew! Red Arrows, Duxford 2018' [3rd] 

Thank you to everyone for taking part.

Blue View by Kamin

Beach Art by Sheila

Beach & Shore defences  by Debbie

C2 A Different View of Norfolk and Open 2024. This was presented as Prints.

At the meeting held on the 18th April the entries to 'A Different View of Norfolk' and Open were judged as follows

A Different View of Norfolk: Congratulations to Lynn with 'Hunter's Yard Heritage Yachts Becalmed On The Yare' [1st], Richard Ban with 'Yarmouth in the Mid Day Haze' [2nd] and Lynn with 'Norfolk Tulips' [3rd] 

Open: Congratulations to Richard Ban with 'Rainy Day in Norwich' [1st], Richard Ban with 'Through the Café Window' [2nd] and Michael with 'Cold Colours' [3rd]

Thank you to everyone for taking part.

Hunter's Yard Heritage Yachts Becalmed On The Yare by Lynn

Yarmouth in the Mid Day Haze by Richard Ban

Norfolk Tulips by Lynn

C1 Street Photography and Open 2024

At the meeting held on the 7th March the entries to Street photography and Open were judged as follows

Street Photography: Congratulations to Richard L with 'Walking in the Fog' [1st], Adam P with '2 Sides to the Story' [2nd] and Richard C with 'The Snake Charmer' [3rd] 

Open: Congratulations to Adam P with You couldn't pose that' [1st], Richard C with 'Carmine Bee Eater - Namibia' [2nd] and Adam P with 'Born to Fly' [3rd]

Thank you to everyone for taking part.

Walking in the Fog by Richard L

2 Sides to the Story by Adam P

The Snake Charmer by Richard C


C4 Rule of Three and Open 2023

At the meeting held on the 6th July the entries to Rule of Three and Open were judged as follows

Rule of Three: Congratulations to Richard Ban with 'The Three Fingers Measure' [1st], Michael B with 'Close Race' [2nd] and Richard L with 'Dandelions' [3rd] 

Open: Congratulations to Richard L with 'Lost in Music' [1st], Michael B with 'Copper Clad Door' [2nd] and Richard Ban with 'Nuthatch' [3rd]

Thank you to everyone for taking part.

The Three Fingers Measure by Richard Ban

Close Race by Michael

Dandelions by Richard L

C3 Portrait and Open PRINTS 2023

At the meeting held on the 6th July the entries to Portrait and Open PRINTS were judged as follows

Portrait: Congratulations to Richard Ban with 'Yes - and that's all you need to know' [1st], Richard L with 'Smoke Break' [2nd] and Michael with 'A Steampunk Gentleman' [3rd] 

Open: Congratulations to Richard Ban with 'Caught in the Sun' [1st], Frank with 'Kelpi' [2nd] and Chris with 'Feed ME' [3rd]

Thank you to everyone for taking part.

Yes - and that's all you need to know by Richard Ban

Smoke Break by Richard L

Kelpi by Frank

C2 Abstract and Open 2023

At the meeting held on the 18th May the entries to Abstract and Open were judged as follows

Abstract: Congratulations to Richard L with 'Dead World' [1st], Richard L with 'Reflect' [2nd] and Richard Ban with 'Spilt Salt' [3rd] 

Open: Congratulations to Richard L with 'Cavers' [1st], Richard L with 'Washed' [2nd] and Richard Ban with 'Making the best of the Weather' [3rd]

Thank you to everyone for taking part.

Dead World by Richard L

Reflect by Richard L

Spilt Salt by Richard Ban

C1 Night and Open 2023

At the meeting held on the 16th March the entries to Night and Open were judged as follows

Night: Congratulations to Richard L with 'Vienna at Night' [1st], Sharon with 'Night Storm' [2nd] and Keith with 'Fireworks' [3rd] 

Open: Congratulations to Sharon with 'The Last Jump' [1st], Debbie with 'Willow in theBreeze' [2nd] and Keith with 'Padlock and Chain' [3rd]

Thank you to everyone for taking part.

Vienna at Night by Richard L

Night Storm by Sharon

Fireworks by Keith


Adapt an Image

At the meeting on February 3rd 2022 members were invited to show their efforts at manipulating an image given to them a couple of weeks earlier. As you can imagine the results were very varied. Click here to see what was done - the image on the right is the one everybody started with ...........

How did members change this ..............................

Q1 Liquid and Open

At the meeting held on the 3rd March the entries to Liquid and Open were judged as follows

Liquid: Congratulations to Kevin with both 'Liquid Engineering' and 'Water in Oi'l which came 1st equal. Congratulations to Helen with 'Rain down the Drain' [2nd] and Keith with 'Oil Bubbles' [3rd] 

Open: Congratulations to Richard L with 'Trapped in the pines' [1st], Keith with 'Old Gas Works' [2nd] and Michael B with 'Preparing to Race' [3rd]

Above all thanks to everyone for taking part.

View all the entries ..............................

Liquid Engineering by Kevin

Water in Oil by Kevin

Trapped in the Pines by Richard L

Q2 Long Exposure and Open

At the meeting held on the 19th May the entries to Long Exposure and Open were judged as follows

Long Exposure: Congratulations to Kevin with 'Speedy' [1st], Richard L with 'Slow Train' [2nd] and Richard Ban with 'A new angle on Alcohol' [3rd] 

Open: Congratulations to Richard L with 'Foggy Morn' [1st], Richard L with 'Stroll on the Beach' [2nd] and both Michael B with 'The End of the Ride' and Sharon with 'Ellie' [3rd]

Above all thanks to everyone for taking part.

View all the entries ..............................

Speedy by Kevin

Slow Train by Richard L

A New angle on Alcohol by Richard Ban

Q3 People at Work and Open

At the meeting held on the 18th August the entries to People at Work and Open were judged as follows

People at Work: Congratulations to Sharon with 'A LIfe's Work' [1st], Sharon with 'Where There's a Will' [2nd] and Frank with 'Relining' [3rd] 

Open: Congratulations to Michael with Its Been a Hard Day' [1st], Sharon with 'Millie' [2nd] and both Frank with 'Yellow Wagtail' and Richard Ban with 'The Beauty of Flight' [3rd]

Above all thanks to everyone for taking part.

A LIfe's Work by Sharon

Where There's a Will by Sharon

Relining by Frank